Diet and exercise are the best ways to get rid of body fat. However, maintaining a trim, toned, slender, or athletic figure becomes more difficult as we age and as small pockets of exercise-resistant fat can accumulate.
While liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure, it is the perfect balance to a healthy diet and exercise routine to address problem areas or to contour parts of your body that are not your ideal shape. Ideal candidates for liposuction are healthy men and women who don’t smoke and are close to their target weight.
Body sculpting liposuction offers a solution when traditional approaches fail to help you reach your goals. But which liposuction technique will work best for you?
Liposuction Techniques
While there are a few liposuction techniques, they all use a thin tube (cannula) attached to a vacuum to extract the fat. Each method works in a slightly different manner and has unique advantages and disadvantages.
Tumescent Liposuction
Tumescent liposuction is the most common technique. It involves injecting a sterile solution of saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine into the fat to be removed. This solution makes the fat easier to remove with less blood loss and pain.
Tumescent liposuction can be used on most parts of the body. The typical recovery time is approximately a month. You’ll notice your new, trim figure in around 3-6 months following the procedure.
Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL)
Through power-assisted liposuction, Dr. Hamwi can target body areas for fat removal with more precision. PAL utilizes a cannula connected to an oscillating handpiece that propels it back and forth to break up undesired fat cells before suctioning them out of the body. The device’s vibrating cannula can be more easily maneuvered around the body for enhanced speed and efficiency.
The procedure requires no heat, lessens time under anesthesia, and offers outstanding results.
High-Definition Liposuction (Hi Def)
High-definition liposuction (Hi Def) is a version of liposuction that employs ultrasound technology to melt away fat. The procedure is often referred to as VASER, which stands for “vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance.” This advanced technology allows for a very deep level of fat removal that can achieve a toned, shredded six-pack and other impressive results. Due to HD lipo’s deep-dive into your fat, you will likely need to be placed under general anesthesia.
Laser-Assisted Liposuction
Laser-Assisted Liposuction is also called SmartLipo. This technique involves injecting a similar solution to tumescent liposuction, but it also uses lasers to create a burst of energy that liquefies the fat, making it easier to extract. The laser used also tightens the skin and stimulates collagen production.
Recovery time for SmartLipo is several weeks, with final results appearing in approximately 6 weeks.
Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction
Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction, or UAL, uses sound waves to create energy that dissolves fat cell walls, liquifying fat for easier removal. It’s often used in areas of tougher, more fibrous fat and can remove larger amounts of fat.
UAL recovery time is similar to tumescent liposuction; however, this treatment is known to cause burns or blisters.
Which One Is Right for You?
While each of these liposuction techniques has advantages and disadvantages, there are a few things that you should consider and discuss with your board-certified plastic surgeon prior to your procedure.
These may include:
- Area to be treated
- Amount of fat to be removed
- Procedure cost
- Recovery time
- Loose skin and tissue
- Pain tolerance
- Anesthesia or medication tolerance
During your complimentary consultation with board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, he’ll discuss the issues and explain the awake liposuction technique he prefers.
Awake liposuction is a tumescent liposuction technique that is completed while the patient is medicated yet still awake. This technique allows Dr. Hamwi utmost control when sculpting your new figure. Awake liposuction is also much safer than traditional liposuction as patients are not under general anesthesia.
Get Ready to Reclaim Your Figure!
Reclaim your trim appearance with the best liposuction in Sarasota! Dr. Hamwi is a liposuction expert who has traveled to and studied with some of the country’s most well-known liposuction surgeons and operated on patients from all over the world and most of the United States.
Contact Florida Plastic Surgery and Medspa to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Hamwi by calling (941) 800-2000 or complete our online form today. We look forward to meeting you!